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Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Newsletter Term 4 Week 10

Dear Parents,

I cannot believe that this is the last newsletter for 2011. How time has flown! Year 2 has had a fabulous and exciting year. Thank you for all your support and assistance throughout the year and we wish you all the best next year in your journey to Year 3.
We bid farewell to all our leaving children and families as they travel to new destinations. We wish you well.
Year 2 are also saying Goodbye and Good luck to two lovely teachers -  Ms Turnell and Mrs Roberts-Thomson. We have been so fortunate to have these fabulous teachers with us this year and our loss will most certainly be another school's gain. We also wish Mr and Mrs RT blessings for the birth of their fist baby.
We also farewell Ms Joanne Pearn who has been working with the Year 2 team for a number of years as the PYP coordinator and closely with 2RY this year. We wish Ms Pearn and her family good luck on their return to Australia.

 Images from Medieval Day




House Leaders

The children have been eagerly awaiting the results of the Year 2 House points winners. This year Derwent has just won! Congratulations Derwent House.


Meet the Staff 

5 Facts about me - Michelle Habgood

  • I have lived in Singapore for 2 years.
  • My favourite food is Thai.
  • One of my hobbies is cake decorating
  • I love travelling and visiting other countries.

  • I have 2 beautiful children
I am Mrs Habgood J


Merry Christmas and have a Happy New Year

Ms Elle Ryan and the Year 2 Teaching Team

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Newsletter Term 4 Week 7

Dear Parents,

We can't believe we that have only three weeks left at school for 2011. Our current and last Unit of Inquiry for the year is progressing well. We are all enjoying the opportunity to learn about different communities and making connections to our own.

Book Covering
A huge thank you to the parents that came to assist with book covering last week. What a massive job! There are still a number of books to be covered so if you can spare some time this Thursday from 1pm or any afternoon, please drop in and we will set you up to help us.

Work Experience Students
For  the past fortnight, Year 2 have been fortunate to have Year 10 students who have selected teaching  as their Work Experience with us. The presence of these students in our classrooms has been very positive.

Christmas Book Fair
Next week, we will be hosting a special Christmas Book Fair outside the Junior School Library. This fair will feature books from a local book vendor Mr Hubert Seow and will include both fiction and non-fiction titles that make wonderful Christmas presents for children as well as fun project ideas for the holiday period. Mr Seow kindly donates 10% of the proceeds to the Library to enable us to purchase new books. The Fair will be open from Monday 28 November to Friday 2 December from 8.00am – 4.00pm. Children will have an opportunity to purchase books in their Library times and parents may also attend at any time to make purchases. Please note that all payment will be by cash or cheque only. For further details and a list of some of the available titles, please see the flyer in this week’s newsletter.

Return of Library Books and Home Readers

The last day for Library borrowing for this year will be next Friday 2 December. All books must be returned no later than Monday 12 December. Home reading books will continue to be sent home until the end of Week Nine and must all be returned by Monday 12 December as well. Now is the time to start looking under beds and amongst the children’s toys to make sure that you are able to return all outstanding books by the due date.

Early Departures
Families who are planning to commence their Xmas holidays prior to the last day of Term Four are reminded that permission for such leave for their children must be sought in advance. Such requests can be emailed directly to me at Please be aware that reports for students will not be released prior to Wednesday 14 December (the second last day of term); hence, if you are leaving before this date, you must either leave a forwarding address so that reports can be mailed to you over the holiday break or, alternatively, you can collect them from the Junior office at the beginning of Term One, 2012. It may be possible for Learning Journals to be collected early; however, if these are not ready for collection, they will also need to be collected at the beginning of next year.

Unit of Inquiry

Central Idea
Communities are organised into systems and structures to meet the needs of the people.

The Year 2 classes have been engaged in, and excited about, learning about Medieval communities over the past three weeks. The doorway to Year 2 has been decorated as a castle and the classes are buzzing with news of Knights, Kings and Queens.
Want to try making your own coat of arms? Here are two sites shared by Ms Kennedy that the children have really enjoyed this week.

AIS Feudal system! with King Bond
2LE Feudal system

Year 2 IT Challenge Day

All Year Two classes have now completed their IT Challenge Day. The completed movies can be found at this weebly site created by Darren Campbell.

Meet the Staff -   Mr Andrew Holmes

Mr Holmes with his niece Emily
5 Facts about me

I have lived in Singapore for the past three years.
Morocco tops the list of countries which I have had the opportunity to explore so far.
I have never read any of the Harry Potter books, but have sold hundreds upon hundreds of copies of them! I worked in a bookshop during my university studies and seem to be suffering from some sort of association issue with this series!
I grew up in the Lower Blue Mountains which is about a one and a half hour drive West of Sydney.
A bucket list mission I have is to climb at least one mountain on every continent in the world – even Antarctica.  Three continents down!

Y2 Learning - Caught on Camera
Images from Sharing the Planet - How we can help the environment.

Bridie 2HA shows her poster on ‘Saving the Planet’
Noah, Ella  and Olivia from 2HA with recycled materials brought in from home.

Bridie, Charlotte and Max from 2HA with their posters for action.

Year Two  CCA News  - Chinese Calligraphy

The students in this CCA have shown impressive commitment and determination to learn this style of writing. After much practice in holding the brush with the correct (and very unique) grip, the children have worked hard to perfect basic strokes such as heng, shu and dot. The students are to be commended upon displaying excellent focus and discipline. Mr Andrew Holmes

House Leaders

Dates to Remember

Friday, 2 DecemberYear 2 lunchtime CCAs conclude
Wednesday, 7 DecemberYear 2 Medieval Day
Wednesday, 14 DecemberPresentation Day Concert 9am - 10am
Class Parties 10.30 – 11.30am
Semester 2 reports distributed

Ms Elle Ryan and the Year 2 Teaching Team.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Newsletter Term 4 Week 4

Dear Parents,

This week we begin our last Unit of Inquiry for the year, 'How we organise ourselves'. Parents may have noticed that the entrance to Year 2 has been decorated in the medieval theme.

Some information to assist at home is included below.

Central Idea
Communities are organised into systems and structures to meet the needs of the people.

What lines of inquiry will define the scope of the inquiry into the central idea?

  • People's needs
  • The organization of our community
  • The organization of a medieval community
Questions that will drive this inquiry

     What do people need?
     What is a community?
     How is our community organised?
    How was a medieval community organised?
   What has changed in communities over time?

Sharing the Planet - Unit of Inquiry

The children are preparing their summative assessment task to present their knowledge, skills and understanding of the unit. This unit is opportunistic in that it allows for initiated action by the children to identify an environmental problem either in the school, locally or globally and to act upon it.

Many children are preparing posters, PowerPoints, glogsters, writing letters to newsletters or the Principal in the hope of making change in the world.
Here is a sample of some of these actions.
SPCA project 2CO
View more presentations from

A Glogster prepared by Arkie in 2RY demonstrating his action to help the environment

Another action initiated earlier in the year by 2HO is presented below
2HO Action Project Filipino org, betans
View more presentations from

Transition to Year 3

The children began the transition process to Year 3 last week and most children have had the chance to meet a Year 3 Buddy to show them around the Primary School.

Read a Thon Recap

Hi Year 2 students and parents,
I promised that I would give some feedback to you following the Read-a-thon. I went to KaisKids in the holidays and had an incredible time meeting all the orphans, seeing the facilities and talking to the staff and Director of KaisKids. My family helped out with other AIS families there to support the Marsden Swim School to teach all the kids to swim and learn water safety. You should have seen the looks of delight on their faces. They loved it and it was such a treat for them to be in a swimming pool and also participate in some arts/crafts and play activities we organised. Their sense of fun for everything was easy to see! I attended assembly today and showed my journey on a PowerPoint.
 I passed on a number of your letters to the Director and she was so impressed with your caring messages and wishes as well as all the reading you did. She was blown away by how much money you raised. We spoke a lot about how it could be spent. It seemed like their main needs were in trying to develop a long term food source so restoring the chicken coop and getting chickens in for supply of food and eggs was a possibility, hiring a farmer to help develop the garden and buying more rice and other nutritional food,  was the priority.
Finally I must thank you. I finished my personal project on time thanks to all the teachers and YOU getting organised to  complete the booklets and hand the money in on time. I know it was a rush for some. I was thrilled with my mark and guess what? I won the Year 10 Personal Project Prize!  Also Smiggle have indicated that they want to be involved again so I hope to do the same again now that we have set it up.
Sophie Aitken
Year 10

House Leaders

The long awaited results for the athletics carnival are below! Go Derwent!


The updated house points are now


Meet the Staff -   Ms Kristen Harris

5 Facts about me

1. I have a gorgeous baby girl. Mikayla Krista-Lily Harris is her name.
2. I love travelling back to WA, where I lived for 5 years, to spend time with my aunts and cousins.
3. I love Christmas and look forward to it every day of the year. (Especially on the 26th of December!)
4. I’m currently studying for my ordinary levels (O’levels) which will enable me to do my Diploma in early childhood and education.
5. Listening to music after a long day at work and diaper changing is a great way to relax!

Meet the Staff -   Ms Nazreen Mohamed

5 Facts about me

1. I love to cook and bake. My husband is getting fatter each day eating all my yummy cakes!

2. I enjoy playing Wii with my family.

3. I love kids and this is why I love my job. They never fail to make me laugh. They allow us to explore things that we tend to forget as we grow into adulthood.

4. I'm close to my sister who is 10 years younger than me. We will miss each other if we don't talk on the phone for a day!

5. I enjoy swimming and eating.

Specialists in the Spotlight - Music

Our Year 2 Music classes have been exploring the musical concept of Pitch. Pitch in music refers to how high or low music sounds.
Our Yr Two students now have a good understanding of reading, writing, singing and playing the pitches So and Mi.
Over the coming weeks our students will be making conscious the pitch La. La is one step higher than So and on our 2 line staff is represented above the line.

Ask your Yr 2 student to sing and hand sign this So-Mi-La pattern for you.
Can they make their own one?

Specialists in the Spotlight - Library

Library News
Star Author

Mo Willems

The children in Junior School have been fascinated with our latest Star Author - Mo Willems.

Mo Willems, the son of Dutch immigrant parents grew up in New Orleans. He began his career as a writer and animator of ‘Sesame Street’ where he earned 6 Emmy Awards for his work. His debut book, ‘Don’t Let the Pigeon Drive the Bus’ became a New York Times Bestseller and won a Caldecott Honor in 2004. His ‘Knuffle Bunny’ and ‘Elephant & Piggy’ series have also won numerous awards. Mo’s books have been translated into a myriad of languages and birthed Carnegie Medal winning animated shorts and theatrical musical productions.  

He lives in Brooklyn, New York with his family.

Many children have made connections with their Unit of Inquiry and have also taken action by making their own books in response to what they have learnt - with Mo Willem’s inspiration.
Mo Willems links below.

Specialists in the Spotlight  - PE

Year 2’s have been involved with a unit on Gymnastics  since the beginning of term. They have used the big trampoline for bouncing and body shapes, the mini tramp for vaulting, the small floor mats for static shapes and strengthening activities, the beam for balance activities and the long floor mat for floor routines, rolling and cart wheels. They will finish the unit with a sequence of moves on the floor that show form and balance. Year 2 will finish the year with a unit on Netball.

Year Two  CCA News  - Scrapbooking

The children have been busy putting together their scrapbooking albums using photos of their family, pets, friends and holidays. They are having a lot of fun being creative and they are doing a super job. They share their ideas with their friends and help each other along the way.
Ms Su-Lin Marshall

Year Two  CCA News - Craft

Sixteen Year 2  Craft CCA students have been enthusiastically making some wonderful creations using needle and thread, scissors, felt material, ribbon, glue, cushion filler, beads and buttons this semester.
Several have even been inspired to make some of their own great creations at home!
The girls’ level of ability, creativity, productivity and patience have been amazing and they have worked so well together by regularly inspiring and assisting each other.
Ms Mel Bailey

Dates to Remember
Friday, 25 November Final Gross Motor sessions for 2011
Friday, 2 DecemberYear 2 lunchtime CCAs conclude
Wednesday, 7 DecemberYear 2 Medieval Day
Wednesday, 14 DecemberPresentation Day Concert 9am - 10am
Class Parties 10.30 – 11.30am
Semester 2 reports distributed

 Parent Education -
Lia Gould -Junior Counsellor
Managing your worries lessons kicked off last week with 2HA, 2RT, 2TU, 2CO and 2RY. The other Year classes completed this program last term. All the classes enthusiastically discussed the top ten list of things that kids worry about; including dogs, the dark, mum and dad fighting, and natural disasters. Lots of anecdotes and stories were exchanged as students decorated their Worry Folders.  These folders will hold all the work that we do and will come home at the end of the 5 week course.

In Week 4 we start discussing how to stand up to your worries by answering back to the Worry Bully and not letting him push you around.  Each student will make a Worry Bully to bring home which will hopefully stimulate conversation in the family about the different strategies you use to reduce worries.

If you would like to pursue more information about children and anxiety, check out the following resources.
·        What to to do when you worry too much, by Dawn Huebner.
·        What to do when you dread your bed by Dawn Huebner. 
·        Helping your anxious child,  by Ron Rapee. 
·        Website for Macquarie University’s Child Psychology Clinic:

Ms Elle Ryan and the Year 2 Teaching Team.

Monday, October 17, 2011

Newsletter Term 4 Week 2

Dear Parents,
Welcome back to Term 4! Teachers usually say Term 4 is the busiest term but here in Singapore they are all busy! There are many activities and special 'days' coming up this term so keep a careful eye out for notes and the newsletters for upcoming events.

Year 2 to Year 3 Transition

This week Year 2 classes will commence the transition to Year 3. Each class has been allocated a 'buddy' class. Buddy classes will meet this week to explore the Primary facilities and Year 3 classrooms.


A reminder that hats need to be brought to school and worn while playing/eating outside. We are noticing an increasing number of children without hats. It is extremely important in this climate to be wearing hats.

Changes to Lunch time eating

From next week there will be changes for Year 2 at lunch time. Year 2 will now be eating outdoors, seated at the tables in the Primary area between the canteen and the pool. We hope that this process will help in the transition to Year 3 and generate an increased level of responsibility in our children. Here is a slide show presentation of the procedure as shown to students at Assembly this morning.
Lunch time procedures presentation y2

Athletics Carnival

Last week the children were able to take part in the annual Athletics Carnival. Thank you to Mr Barnes for his organisation of this event. The children demonstrated the attitudes of fairness, respect, cooperation and confidence.

Unit of Inquiry - Sharing the Planet

 Year 2 Challenge Day - ICT and Sharing the Planet

In week 4 Year 2 students will be taking part in a 'Challenge Day' here at school connected to our current UOI.
Students will be drawing upon their knowledge acquired through the Sharing the Planet UOI and using ICT to help inform, create and communicate their product.  Children will use the inquiry cycle to help guide their thoughts, actions and decisions throughout the day.  This inquiry cycle will be supported through an interactive website.  The inquiry cycle tunes students in to the focus of the day, in this case the challenge, guides them to find out more about their topic, asks them to make connections between what they have found out and meeting the challenge to produce a digital product and finally gives them time to reflect on the outcome of the day and present to their peers.   
The Challenge Day roster.

Week 4 (31 Oct-4 Nov)
Week 5 (7-11 Nov)
Hari Raya
Week 6 (14 – 18 Nov)

Meet the Staff

5 Facts about me - Ms Elle Ryan
  • My beautiful 18 year old daughter, Jordan, is completing her HSC this year at AIS.
  • I love sports and try to learn a new one every year. While living in Singapore I've learnt to Dragon Boat, Dive and Golf.
  • I regularly practice yoga and swimming and try to see a live band or musician each year.
  • I have always been a member of Surf Life Saving Clubs in Australia and continue to support these while living overseas. I am a life member at Coffs Harbour SLSC
  • I'm an  'Aussie country girl' and love all things nature! I had horses for many years and competed in dressage and eventing.

5 Facts about me - Ms Jo Pearn
  • Lived out of Australia longer than I have lived in Australia
  • I have two children who were both born in Singapore
  • My star sign is Aries and my Chinese zodiac is the Goat
  • I have worked in IB schools for 12 years
  • I grew up in country South Australia and am married to a Queenslander

Specialists in the Spotlight - Computers

 Currently in ICT, Year Two are using Windows Live Movie Maker.  This program allows children to edit video footage, add special effects, credits and music.  The students will also be investigating different ways to use the camera and look at some good examples of ways to film easy and practical movies.  These skills will be important to know during the Year Two Challenge Day that will happen this term. 

House Leaders

Murray -       499  points
Derwent -    402 points
Lachlan -     330 points
Fitzroy -       349 points

Year Two  CCA News  - Dance

Every Wednesday a bunch of very enthusiastic Year 2 students participate in the Dance CCA. They have learnt a few well known dances such as the Macarena and Boot Scootin’ Boogie and they are also creating their own group dance to a popular Justin Bieber tune!   We hope to have that ready to perform to assembly at the end of the Term! Some of the words the students use to describe the Dance CCA include: fun, tiring, dancyish, exciting, exhausting and the best CCA ever!!!
Ms Jen Kennedy

Dates to Remember

Thursday, 27 OctoberUnited Nations ‘Parade of Nations’ 8.30am - 9.30am
Monday, 31 October Loose Canon Performance A 9.10am - 10am
Wednesday, 2 NovemberLoose Canon Performance B 11.40am - 12.30pm
Friday, 25 November Final Gross Motor sessions for 2011
Friday, 2 DecemberYear 2 lunchtime CCAs conclude
Wednesday, 7 DecemberYear 2 Medieval Day
Wednesday, 14 DecemberPresentation Day Concert 9am - 10am
Class Parties 10.30 – 11.30am
Semester 2 reports distributed

Ms Elle Ryan and the Year 2 Teaching Team.