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Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Newsletter 1 - Term 1

Welcome to the Year 2 Parents and Friends Newsletter. This is where you will find all the latest happenings in Year 2.

It has been a very busy start to the year. Many new friendships have been formed by the children and they have settled into the everyday learning in the PYP classroom.

I am very excited to be the Year Coordinator this year and welcome five new teachers to Year 2.
These teachers are Jen Kennedy, Peter Hayes, Priscilla Turnell (former AIS student), Marissa Cohen and Renae Roberts-Thomson.
The new teachers join our existing team including Ali LeCornu, Kim Hermmann, Kerryl Howarth and Drew Holmes. Our Teacher Assistant team consists of Jean Thomas, Mary Jane  Cua, Lay Geok Teo , Khairon  Mohamed , Manisah Shariff , Norshidah Shariff , Nazreen  Mohamed, Maylyn Harrison, Emily Gravina and Juliet Cabreros.

The Year 2 team on Australia Day

Unit of Inquiry

The current Unit of Inquiry is 'How the world works' with the central idea  -'People use scientific principles to make everyday objects move.'

During this unit the children will be learning how humans use their understanding of scientific principles and the impact of scientific and technological advances on society and on the environment.
 The lines of Inquiry that drive this unit are -
·      What are scientific principles?
·    Forces that create and sustain motion
·    How we use scientific principles in everyday objects
Year 2 have been undertaking experiments to learn about the forces. These have included,
  • Push and pull       
  • Buoyancy            
  • Friction                 
  • Gravity
The main concepts that we are focusing on in this unit are Connection, Causation and Function by inquiring into -
How do scientific principles work in everyday objects eg Bicycle = push and pull Connection
How do the relationships between forces work? Function
Why do they work this way? Causation

You can strengthen these concepts at home through conversations about the forces, identifying them and how they are related to our everyday living.

Class of the week - 2TU
This week the class in focus is 2TU. The focus for our class has been our UOI and learning about forces.

   ‘I know I look cool on this skate boarding machine! I used my body to push it and make it move’. (Ji Woong)

William is turning the wheel and it’s going round and round! It is so much FUN’! (Jake and William)

I have to try really hard to pedal this big Go Kart! Riding down the hills was much easier’! (Alexander)

   Isha Pandey investigating the force of ‘push’ when doing our UOI experiments.

     William is testing to see if the boat will sink or float when doing our buoyancy experiments.

 Tomos is inquiring into which object is going to fall to the ground first when doing our gravity experiments.

Gotcha Awards

Gotcha awards went to Shayla Cromie 2RY, Leo Jagger, Rafferty Talbot and Georgie Terry 2 KE, Issie Terry and Natasha Re 2HA , Ellie Goeman 2HS and Thomson Morrisey and Grace Rodsjo from 2CO.

House Leaders

Each week children are chosen at assembly for demonstrating the Learner Profile of Principled -(they have a sound grasp of the principles of moral reasoning and have acquired integrity, honesty and a sense of justice' )
The children earn house points  through their positive and responsible actions by listening and respecting others during assembly. 

The current house leaders are Murray.

Murray - 8 points, Derwent -6 points, Lachlan - 4 points, Fitzroy - 2 points

Meet the Staff - Mr Peter Hayes

5 Facts about me
I was born in Port Macquarie and grew up in Wauchope on the Mid North Coast of NSW.
Attended University of New England, Armidale, NSW and graduated with a Bachelor of Education (Primary).
I’ve taught in a range of locations including Dubbo -Western NSW , Alice Springs – Northern Territory, Darwin – Northern Territory and Port Macquarie – NSW.
I enjoy outdoor activities especially fishing. I also like to play and watch a variety of different sports particularly touch football, rugby league, cricket, tennis, squash and rugby union.
I have only been living in Singapore since January 2011. I’m enjoying teaching at AISS as a part of a great Year Two team.
Y2 Learning - Caught on Camera

This week 2HE were caught on camera learning about Procedures through cooking -Junior Masterchef 2HE style. Thank you to parents - Jane Farquhar, Jessica Hoang and Angie Glenn
for assisting.

Measuring and pouring

Alyssa and Kyle making Chocolate Balls

One plate of the finished product!

Specialists in the Spotlight

The children have been exploring different media in Art this term with Mrs Curnow.

Using Australia Day and Chinese New Year as contexts to explore the transdisciplinary theme “Who We Are” children explored traditional painting from Australia and China and made connections to themselves and others.
Year Two narrowed their focus further to traditional Chinese scroll painting and experimented with their own creations. The children investigated the universal concept of perspective from an artist who represents space and distance to different cultures’ perceptions of Chinese New Year and Christmas.

Here is are two of completed artworks.

 by Caitlin Lovegrove 2RY

by Gabrielle Bryant  2CO

Year Two’s Website CCA group:

The Year Two CCA group has been working on a very exciting project. The students have designed an exciting website especially for our students. Go on to this website and have a look…….. password - aissfunline

Dates to Remember

  • Swim scheme - starts this Friday - April 1st for 2RY, 2HO, 2KE, 2LE, 2RT
  • Wheels Day  -Wednesday 20th April
  • Good Friday Holiday -  Friday 22nd April
  • Swimming Carnival -Wednesday 11th May
  • Labour Day Holiday - Monday 2nd May
  • Vesak Day - Tuesday 17th May
 Parent Education

During the last few weeks and during Parent/teacher Interviews I have been asked questions such as, 'What is best for my child?' 'Should I put them into after school tutoring/coaching if they are good at art, music, sport etc?' 'I want the best for my child should I get extra tutoring outside of school?'

An interesting article about modern parenting has surfaced this week in Singapore which also highlights the issues of 'doing too much' for our children and not  allowing them to gain independence and resilience. Here is a link to the story if you missed it.
I am very conscious of the  amount of activities that children are committed to after school.
During my teaching day I observe that children are often tired, anxious and unhappy.
My short answer to parents is usually 'Let them play at home and enjoy family life.' 'Try and enjoy a healthy balance in your home and use time to relax.'

The following article about 'hyper parenting' is one that could assist parents when making judgements about how many 'extras' to include in your family schedule. I hope it is useful.

For more information look at the official website here

Thank you for your support at home and at school. Parent involvement is integral to the successful functioning of our learning environment.

Ms Elle Ryan and the Year 2 Teaching Team.