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Friday, May 20, 2011

Newsletter Term 2 Week 4

Dear Parents,

We are now half way through Term 2 and what a busy time so far. In this newsletter we look at the conclusion of one UOI and the beginning of another, the swimming carnival reflections and UOI Expos.

Unit of Inquiry -  'Where we are in place and time'

Central Idea - People are connected with the world around them through their experiences and traditions.
Lines of Inquiry
  • Personal experiences and family traditions
  • Traditions, customs and history of different groups in Singapore
  • How we are connected to our host country

Unit of Inquiry - How the world works - Forces Expo

Over the past fortnight Year 2 presented to their parents through an exhibition of their creative talents and knowledge gained about forces.

How the World Works EXPO photos

Class of the week - 2HO
2HO Forces Expo

      As the culmination to our Unit of Inquiry, ‘How the World Works’, the students of 2HO worked hard to create imaginative and purposeful presentations for the Forces Expo. Students made a model or demonstrated a sport as a vehicle for explaining how simple forces are used in everyday objects. The range of choice reflected the individual student’s creativity, ingenuity and interest. From an underwater fishing game to the intricacies of Rugby, the students were able to apply their knowledge in a variety of ways. Below are a few photographs from the day

Meet the Staff 

Ms Jean Thomas - 2RY Teacher Assistant

5 Facts about me

I am an avid collector of masks
I love listening to music - favourite artist at the moment is C Lo Green
I like baking choc chip cookies...and eating them too!
My favourite show is Fat Albert
I would love to go to Africa someday - to get more masks of course!

Y2 Learning - Caught on Camera
This week children from 2Le were caught on a 'shape hunt.' Year 2 are learning about 2D and 3D shapes and 2Le were trying to discover  3D shapes in the Year 2 pod areas.

Specialists in the Spotlight - Music

This term, students in our Music classes have been exploring the musical idea of “ostinato”.
Ostinato, which means stubborn in Italian, is a musical term which describes a short pattern that is repeated consistently throughout a piece of music.
Our Year 2 students have been composing their own rhythmic ostinatos to accompany different pieces of music that we have been listening to in class.
Here’s one to try at home:
Choose one rhythmic symbol to place into each beat circle below (remember only one symbol in each circle):
Π   I   Z
Once you’ve created your ostinato pattern find something around the house to play it on while you accompany one of your favourite songs. Can you keep the ostinato going for the whole song??? J
Please don’t use Mum’s good pots and pans J

Year Two  CCA News  -

Construction & Creative Play

Bionicle battles, mass cities of blocks, Lego structures, Petshops playgrounds and craft construction take over the Year Two Pod every Wednesday and Friday Lunch time.  Children create and imagine mystical worlds using a wide range of play equipment. They interact, share ideas and collaborate to make their visions come alive!

Here are some of the things we have been working on during our CCA sessions.

Luca, Nico, Roberto, Joseph, Lachlan, Finlay & Rafferty building towers with the play blocks.

Jessica, Alyssa, Lily, Amy and Charlotte making Little Petshop Houses.


Lego Space Ship

Lego Super Car

Block Towers


House Leaders
The swimming carnival has caused a big change in house points.
Murray were the winners of the carnival with 351 points, 2nd was Lachlan - 290, 3rd Fitzroy -277 and Derwent -201 points.

Leader Board
Murray - 359 points,  Lachlan - 294 points, Fitzroy - 279 points, Derwent -207 points,

Dates to Remember

  • Excursion  - Cultures Monday 30 May
  • Cultural Celebration Day Wednesday 15 June

 Parent Education

Effective Communication

Teachers believe that effective communication is needed to create an atmosphere of trust and openness between home and school.
Parents ARE the primary educators of the children. Teachers respect this and understand that it is only through teamwork that they will be able to give the utmost to the children in their classes.

Often parents are unsure how to approach their teacher when they have an issue they would like to raise.

Clarify the issue

Before you approach the school or your child's teacher:
  • Be clear about the topic or issue you want to discuss
  • Focus on the things that are genuinely affecting your child
  • Always remain calm and remember you may not have all the facts relating to the circumstances of the topic or issue you wish to discuss
  • Think about what would be an acceptable outcome for you and your child
  • Remember the teacher wants to help and find a positive outcome
At AIS we have a policy of RESPECT for effective communication

Request an appointment to discuss important or lengthy issues
Email vital information
Seek answers to understand and clarify
Professional relationships
Engage in discussions with the class teacher in the first instance
Communicate the topic of an interview beforehand
Timely communication - 24 hour response to emails

Ms Elle Ryan and the Year 2 Teaching Team.