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Friday, September 23, 2011

Newsletter Term 3 Week 10

Dear Parents,

The end of term has arrived. We wish farewell to all those who are leaving us this term and good luck in your new home. We are also saddened to farewell Mrs LeCornu, who is a much loved and respected teacher. We wish the LeCornus all the best with their move to Seoul.

 Wishing  you all a safe, relaxing and peaceful holiday.

Unit of Inquiry - Sharing the Planet

This Unit of Inquiry highlights the need to take action to solve environmental issues we all are facing.
Year 2 have been identifying some of the issues that have impact directly on themselves. Many children have already begun to apply their knowledge and understanding by embarking on their own personal action plan. Many of these issues have identified the role we play in looking after the environment such as reducing rubbish, recycling and planting more trees.

The key concepts of reflection and causation have been explored as children have discussed the connections they have made. This was evident during the homework task in week 9 where students made a tally of the rubbish used in their own home. The challenge discussed afterwards involved, ' what can we do to reduce it?' Children have drawn conclusions about how these environmental problems have changed over time.

An interesting and thought provoking clip called, 'The Great Garbage Patch,'  about the use of rubbish (particularly plastic) in our world, was shared within some classrooms. Children reflected on this and wrote their own thoughts.
Here is some more information.

One for the parents

Class of the week  - 2HE
There is never a quiet moment in 2HE!  In Mathematics we have been busy exploring the mass and capacity of containers. We have also been improving our ability in skip counting and grouping objects so we can connect our knowledge when solving multiplication problems. In Literacy we have been looking at non fiction books and determining what information is important.  This skill will help us when researching facts about our current Unit of Inquiry – Sharing the Planet.  We are bursting with prior knowledge when it comes to how humans help and hurt the planet and we are eager to build on that knowledge, explore pollution in the environment and reflect on what action we can take to reduce the problem.
Using Multiplication strategies - Felix, Phoenix & Tane
Learning about Mass
Sorting containers for Volume and Capacity

Meet the Staff -   Mrs Kim Herrmann
5 Facts about me

  • I have a passion for teaching and genuinely get a kick out of watching students progress.
  • I have a lot of energy and can’t sit still.  I always need to be busy doing something, whether it be working, organizing, gardening, cleaning, shopping, exploring, travelling etc.
  • I love my family and enjoy spending time with them.  I have a son Jack, who  attends  The Scots College in Sydney, a  daughter Holly who is here at AIS, a husband who works in banking and my 2 dogs Fudge and Lily. 
  • I have lived overseas for many years (Singapore 9 years & Tokyo 2 years) and value everything I have gained from my experiences.  I look forward to moving home one day to Sydney, Australia where we are currently renovating our family home.
  • I am an enthusiastic person who likes to laugh, smile, have fun and see  people in a positive light; I always see the glass as half full!

Meet the Staff - Mrs Lay Geok Teo

  •            My favourite colours are red, black and navy blue
  • Have two grown-up children and a caring husband. Both children are working overseas
  • To keep fit, I exercise every day before going to work
  •  Love to watch Chinese TV series on “Love”  and “Life”
  •  Love to bake and cook for family members and friends.

House Leaders
Murray -       479  points
Lachlan -     310 points
Fitzroy -       349 points
Derwent -    332 points

Specialists in the Spotlight - Chinese

 In this semester of Chinese, Year 2 students are looking at country words both in Chinese Pin Yin and Chinese Characters.  This involves learning how to ask and respond to various questions for example ‘你是哪国人?/What is your nationality?’ and  你去过中国吗/Have you been to China?’ etc.  Students conducted a few surveys and learnt how to present their survey findings graphically. Other activities students have enjoyed included planning and writing in Chinese about ‘My Favourite Country’ and translation between English and Chinese in short sentences. The vocabulary words and sentence structures of the current topic will continue to be very useful in their daily interactions with others. Students have shown great appreciation for music from different countries too. They had a wonderful learning experience linking the Chinese vocabulary words related to countries and Term 3's UOI ‘How We Express Ourselves Through Music’.

Year Two  CCA News  - Soccer

Soccer has proven to be a popular CCA amongst the Year Two students, with 30 students signing up.  We have been lucky enough to borrow a section of the big sports field so we are running three consecutive games of soccer throughout the lunch period.  The level of sportsmanship has been commendable as the kids have thoroughly enjoyed playing without any arguments or bickering between them.  Some Year 5 boys have also wandered over to offer assistance and are now umpiring or goal keeping for the younger kids.  Naturally the Year Two’s think this is fantastic so we are hoping to make this a permanent addition to the program in the future.

Dates to Remember

Monday October 10
Term 4 begins
Wednesday October 12
Year 2 Athletics Carnival
Wednesday October 26Deepavali holiday
Thursday October 27
United Nations Day parade
Monday November 7Hari Raya Public Holiday

 Parent Education

This week we celebrate International Peace Day. It is a timely reminder of ways we can celebrate the purposeful need for peace not only in the world but within our families.

The International Day of Peace ("Peace Day") provides an opportunity for individuals, organizations and nations to create practical acts of peace on a shared date. It was established by a United Nations resolution in 1981 to coincide with the opening of the General Assembly. The first Peace Day was celebrated in September 1982.

International Day of Peace is about creating a culture of peace for future generations, and there is no better place to start than with children and youth. There are numerous examples of events and activities that are suited for children of different ages. By asking “What is Peace?” parents and teachers can get children thinking and talking about their own thoughts of war and peace. Go to this link to explore the history of International Day of Peace

Interesting Ted Talk - Jeremy Gilley talks about his idea for a day of peace, his idea was to create a day of non small thing and how he took this idea and made something happen.  Jeremy talks of his own school experience, he was not a scholarly student and dealt with learning difficulties, however he always had desire to make sense of the world around him and to question the problems and the concept of responsibility.  His insight into making a difference by using his own gifts and talents, together with a high emotional IQ and a passion for his beliefs and questions, helped him to achieve great things.  He found his own path through the education system, driven by personal experiences and reflection and the focus on process and achieved great things.

 We hope you all have a wonderful holiday.
Ms Elle Ryan and the Year 2 Teaching Team.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Newsletter Term 3 Week 8

Dear Parents,

What a wonderful end to last week with the Musical Journey Expo and performance workshop by visiting artist Bruce Rogers. Thank you to Mr Hayes for organising Mr Roger's visit.
Mr Rogers with his Didgeridoo

Children performing dance to the didgeridoo

 A large thank you to our music teachers, Mrs Winton and Mr Elliott, PE teachers Mr Barnes and Mr Knight as well as the Year 2 teachers and assistants for the preparation for the Expo. I'm sure you will agree it was a very worthwhile event in the Year 2 learning calendar.

Create your own video slideshow at

Kais Kids Read a Thon

The Kais Kids Read a Thon has been an outstanding success. Sophie Aitken's vision for her project has culminated with many children igniting their love of reading and taking action to support children in a neighbouring country. The money raised from this action is at present  approximately $18,000. The final amount will be tallied by the end of next week and presented to Mrs Marsden, a representative from Kais Kids, at our Year 2 assembly.

Congratulations to Sophie, Year 2 children, teachers, assistants and parents for your wonderful support of this event!
Sophie reading to 2CO

A letter from Sophie

The Read-a-thon was a great success.  A total of 170 students participated in the Read-a-thon and have worked incredibly hard to raise more than $17,500! This is an absolutely fantastic effort, that money will significantly  benefit KaisKids. I will discuss exactly how these hard earned funds are spent with the director of KaisKids when  I visit the orphanage in October. I will be taking all the students’ letters too.
Some of the results from the survey included:-  
·         73% increased their reading capacity during the Read-a-thon period.

·         The most popular response to the question 'What do you think you gained from being in the read-a thon” was ‘getting better at reading by myself’ followed closely by ‘becoming more confident’ followed by’ having fun reading with my family.’

·         More than 60% achieved their reading goal

·         The most popular response to the question ‘ What did you like most about the Read-a-thon was  ‘reading’  followed by ‘learning and feeling good about donating to an orphanage.’

·         The largest group of students were in the category ‘  I tried really hard with my reading.’

·         98% enjoyed doing the Read-a-thon

These results were great but were backed up by adorable letters written to KaisKids from your children. These showed genuine care and understanding of the community and service at this young age. Some of the quotes include the following:-

“ I really hope that you are being looked after well .I feel worried about you……I am doing my best to get money for you….one day I am coming there to help you when I am older……the best thing about the Read-a-thon was that every book  I read will be giving more money to you….I had lots of fun doing this because I felt proud that I was helping you….one day  I would like to visit you in Cambodia…I tried my best to donate as much money as I can, I have a question – how is your life?

The teachers and I were also thrilled to see the effort students made with their reading.  Many booklets had extra pages added which showed how many books the children had read. Others tried to advance to chapter books, some got into the habit of reading more regularly. Some took great pride in completing and decorating their booklets. Thank you to the many supportive parents who gave me useful feedback. 
Next Friday (16th September) there will be an assembly to award prize winners.  The prizes awarded to the students are based on effort and fundraising. All of your children have tried really hard and I congratulate all of them on their efforts!

Thanks so much,
Sophie Aitken. 

Unit of Inquiry - Sharing the Planet

 Central Idea - The choices we make can help or hurt our environment.

Concepts - Reflection, Causation, Responsibility
Related Concepts - Biodiversity, conservation, ecosystems, resources and sustainability

Lines of Inquiry -

  • Consequences of the choices we make for the environment
  • Rights and responsibilities to the environment
  • Actions we can take
The children will be inquiring into environmental problems and the role they can play to look after the environment.
An important global event taking place this weekend in Singapore is the 'Clean up the World' campaign run by the ANZA association.
Where: Tanah Merah beaches. When: Sunday 8.30am onwards
This is certanly one way in which parents can assist their children to learn the values of responsibility and conservation.

Class of the week - 2RY
 2RY have had an extremely busy term so far. We were excited to meet David Downer and Kirrily Nolan who are actors. They are friends of Lottie and were visiting in Singapore. David, a graduate from NIDA who has over 30 years acting experience in theatre and television, read to the children, Roald Dahl's classic, 'The Magic Finger'.

The children were captivated by the use of voice that David projected while reading. They were able to make connections with the UOI Expressing Ourselves in the use of voice projection for poetry and reading.

David Downer reading to 2RY


We enjoyed dressing up for Book Week, playing and performing for the Music Expo and connecting with Year 9 students for their Project 'Make a Difference.' The Y9 students decided to involve Year 2 to help make our school more connected.

Caitlin, Niamh, Piper and Stephanie dressed for Book Week
Georgie, Jo, Dominic and Megan -Y9 sharing with 2RY

Meet the Staff

5 Facts about me - Marissa Cohen
1.       I love eating Thai food
2.       I hate the cold weather and snow.
3.       I spent 4 months last year travelling around South America and still my Spanish skills are very basic!
4.       My favourite hobby is to dive and the best dive spot I have been to is in the Perhentian Islands, Malaysia.
5.       This is my 2nd time that I have lived in Singapore, I was here working and living for 6 months in 2005.

5 Facts about me - Emily Gravina

1.       I’ve lived in Singapore  for 15 years, studying and working during this time in both local and international schools.
2.       I taught for five years before joining AIS in 2009
3.       I love spicy Malay and Indonesian food, especially rendang with sayor lodeh during Hari Raya.
4.       My favourite restaurant in ‘The Rice Table’
5.       I have 2 cats at home.

House Leaders
Every week at assembly, House points are awarded to the 'Gotcha' award winners and Star award winners. 'Gotcha' awards are worth 50 house points and Stars are worth 10. Murray gained an extra 70 points this week to keep them in the lead while Derwent caught up 30 points to nearly reach Fitzroy.

The Athletics carnival is coming up this term. This could change the house points leader. The House with the most points wins the House Cup at the end of the year.

Murray -       429  points
Lachlan -     310 points
Fitzroy -       299 points
Derwent -    282 points

Specialists in the Spotlight - PE

Year 2 students have started on their athletics unit in readiness for the carnival in week 10 (22/9). The activities include sprints, relays, javelin, wet sponges (Rob the Nest) and an obstacle course. The activities are set out so that the groups are required to show a level of independence and students are encouraged to use discussion to eliminate issues that may arise (whose turn it is, etc).

Year Two  CCA News  - Web Design

A new intake of web designers has been working hard on the student run website AISS Funline.  This CCA is all about communicating with an audience on a large scale.  Technology allows the children to reach many students, but it does not tell them what or how to communicate.  So it has been interesting to see the transformation of AISS Funline.  This semester there is a sense of pride as many articles are geared towards our school and what makes it special.  New features including Star Teacher, Our School, and Class of the Week indicate a shift in focus.  All students have been working hard to catch up due to the many interruptions so far this term.  Look out for the link for the first publication soon.     

Dates to Remember

Thursday, 15 September  AIS Foundation Day celebrations
Friday, 16 September
Junior and Primary Fathers’ Day Breakfast
Monday, 19 September Year 1 Athletics Carnival
Tuesday, 20 September
Prep Athletics Carnival
Wednesday, 21 September Junior International Peace Day Celebrations
Thursday, 22 September   
Year 2 Athletics Carnival

 Parent Education

A friend of mine sent this to me the other day. I don't usually take much notice of these emails, however, this one caught my eye and I thought I would share it with you. With Father's Day upon us, this is a timely reminder to look after yourself and the people you care about.

Recently I overheard a Father and daughter in their  last moments together at the airport.  They had  announced the departure.

Standing near the security gate, they hugged and the Father said, 'I love you, and I wish you enough.'

The daughter replied, 'Dad, our life together has been more than  enough..  Your love is all I ever needed.  I wish you enough, too, Dad.'

They kissed and the daughter left.  The Father walked over to the window where I was seated.  Standing there I could see he wanted and needed to cry.  I tried not to intrude on his privacy, but he welcomed me in by asking, 'Did you ever say good-bye to someone knowing it would be forever?'

'Yes, I have,' I replied.  'Forgive me for asking, but why is this a forever good-bye?'..

'I am old, and she lives so far away.  I have challenges ahead and the reality is - the next trip back will be for my funeral,' he said.

'When you were saying good-bye, I heard you say, 'I wish  you enough.'  May I ask what that means?'

He began to smile.  'That's a wish that has been handed down from other generations.  My parents used to say it to everyone...'  He paused a moment and looked up as if trying to remember it in detail, and he smiled even more. 'When we said, 'I wish you enough,' we were wanting the other person to have a life filled with just enough good things to sustain them...'  Then turning toward me, he shared the following as if he were reciting it from memory.

I wish you enough sun to keep your attitude bright no matter how gray the day may appear.

I  wish you enough rain to appreciate the sun even more...
I wish you enough happiness to keep your spirit alive and everlasting.

I wish you enough pain so that even the smallest of joys in life may appear bigger..

I wish you enough gain to satisfy your wanting.

I wish  you enough loss to appreciate all that you possess.

I wish you enough hellos to get you through the final good-bye.

He then began to cry and walked away.

They say it takes a minute to find a special person, an hour to appreciate them, a day to love them; but then an entire life to forget them.


Ms Elle Ryan and the Year 2 Teaching Team.

What do you think of the Year 2 Newsletter?
What can you do this week to help the environment?

Please leave a comment below.