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Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Newsletter Term 4 Week 10

Dear Parents,

I cannot believe that this is the last newsletter for 2011. How time has flown! Year 2 has had a fabulous and exciting year. Thank you for all your support and assistance throughout the year and we wish you all the best next year in your journey to Year 3.
We bid farewell to all our leaving children and families as they travel to new destinations. We wish you well.
Year 2 are also saying Goodbye and Good luck to two lovely teachers -  Ms Turnell and Mrs Roberts-Thomson. We have been so fortunate to have these fabulous teachers with us this year and our loss will most certainly be another school's gain. We also wish Mr and Mrs RT blessings for the birth of their fist baby.
We also farewell Ms Joanne Pearn who has been working with the Year 2 team for a number of years as the PYP coordinator and closely with 2RY this year. We wish Ms Pearn and her family good luck on their return to Australia.

 Images from Medieval Day




House Leaders

The children have been eagerly awaiting the results of the Year 2 House points winners. This year Derwent has just won! Congratulations Derwent House.


Meet the Staff 

5 Facts about me - Michelle Habgood

  • I have lived in Singapore for 2 years.
  • My favourite food is Thai.
  • One of my hobbies is cake decorating
  • I love travelling and visiting other countries.

  • I have 2 beautiful children
I am Mrs Habgood J


Merry Christmas and have a Happy New Year

Ms Elle Ryan and the Year 2 Teaching Team