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Thursday, June 16, 2011

Newsletter Term 2 Week 9

Dear Parents,

The first semester is drawing to a close. The last few weeks have been very industrious in Year 2 with many learning experiences and opportunities occurring.

This week we celebrated the end of our Unit of Inquiry ' Where we are in Place and Time' with the fantastic multicoloured 'Cultural Day'. The feast represented food from many cultures and children, parents and teachers all sampled the delightful cooking.
 A huge thank you (and farewell) to Mark Stennett who took photos of all the children. A sample of these appear below and will be available for purchase next term.

Our next inquiry is 'How We Express Ourselves'. This unit's central idea is
"People create and respond to music to express their feelings and ideas.

 During the holidays if you find musical instruments and purchase any, we would appreciate  you bringing them in and showing these to the class.

Wishing you all a safe, happy and relaxing holiday.
Farewell and good luck to all the families that are leaving us this semester. Best wishes on your new adventure.

Unit of Inquiry

'Where we are in Place and Time'
 People are connected with the world around them through their experiences and traditions.

Cultural feast table!

Ryan's mum is using henna for hand designs

Sophia completing an artwork of a mosque

Class of the week - 2RT

This week the class in focus is 2RT 

2RT went on an excursion to the Arab Quarter as part of the UOI unit 'Where We Are in Place and Time’. We participated in an ‘Amazing Race’ style game. We answered questions that we had created at school and  we spent time using inquiry skills to find out the answers. We also had extra challenges to locate important items from the Malay culture such as a prayer mat and different types of food.

Eliza and Juliette finding out about Malay instruments

Claudia and Leaksmy asking questions to a local shop keeper about the Malay culture

Joshua and James

Jayden and Dylan finding out about Malaysian clothes

At Sultan Mosque

House Leaders

Murray -       369  points
Lachlan -     300 points
Fitzroy -       279 points
Derwent -    222 points

Meet the Staff -   Ms Priscilla Turnell

5 Facts about me

   I grew up in Australia however went to high school in Jakarta, London and Singapore (was a student at AIS 10 years ago.. eek!!)
     I love shopping especially when I find a good bargain :)
      My favourite food is Mexican- fajitas
     I would love more than anything to go to the Maldives to relax with a good book and swim in crystal clear water.
     I like playing tennis especially when I win!


Y2 Learning - Caught on Camera

Drama CCA perform the 'Queen of Oz' at assembly

Drama CCA
Year 2 visiting Year 3 for storytelling performance

Storytelling by Year 3

Specialists in the Spotlight - Library

Library with the Year Two’s
The Junior Library introduces a Star Author every month where the children are introduced in-depth into the author’s writings, their inspiration and interviews/video clips. Since January, we have had four exciting Star Authors: Giles Andreae; Julia Donaldson; Alison Lester and Margaret Wild.

In line with the UOI, Year Two recently covered ‘How the World Works’ – in the library, we concentrated on two best-selling books:
Have you filled a bucket today? – A Guide to Daily Happiness for Kids” by Carol McCloud.

Who moved my Cheese? For Kids. An a-mazing way to change and win” by Spencer Johnson.

Taken from a social & emotional perspective, the children explored the themes in the books with group activities and posters.
Finally, the children were treated to unique storytelling by a visiting author, Nina Sabnani all the way from Bombay who introduced her beautiful stand up interactive book, “HOME” and showcased her vibrant animation clips.

Year Two  CCA News  - Korean Cooking

This semester we did Korean cooking in our CCA. We made sweat potato salad, sandwiches, Korean pancakes, sushi and triangle shaped sushi. I enjoyed eating Korean pancakes because it was sweet.
by Elly and Sowon

Sowon wrote in Korean about what they ate 

Dates to Remember

  • 18 July First day Term 3
 Parent Education

Holidays are a great time to relax and 'catch up' on much needed sleep. We often find that children are tired at school as they lead such busy lives particularly here in Singapore. Sleep is very important for all of us and without a normal night's sleep we can't perform at our best. Lia Gould has provided a site that might be useful for parents to assist their child with sleep patterns. Please click on the link below to access.

Ms Elle Ryan and the Year 2 Teaching Team.

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